5 Must Have Accessories For All Men

Fashion accessories are an essential part on every man’s wardrobe and it rightfully should be as it adds so many dimensions to an outfit. Men’s accessories have been that one grey area which has been tough for men to crack, but once cracked it takes you whole look and personality to a whole new level, so here we are to help you out and make sure you never get confused about men’s accessories and make you a complete bad-ass.  There are a few staple accessories that just have to exist in your wardrobe and some optional ones that you can wear if you’re comfortable with them. So let’s just get started with the essentials first!

Essential Accessories:


Watches are just one of those accessories that elevate your whole look and make you look sexy. It is not necessary that you wear a Rolex or a Tissot, it just needs to be a simple and elegant design that goes with the whole outfit. Watches send out a signal to all the people that you are one of those people who know the value of time and like to keep track of it. So a trendy and simple time piece should definitely be something that you should own if you don’t already have one.


Sunglasses when done right make you look super bad-ass and suave. There’s a lot of B.S online that tells you to pick sunglasses according to your face shape which is no doubt true but it’s just too complicated in my opinion so I would just say to pick up timeless pieces like the black aviators or black wayfarers that absolutely goes with any kind of outfit  and pick the shape that you like and compliments your face.


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Being a man means that you are either already earning a lot of money or are at least handling some kind of money so I would suggest that you invest in a good quality wallet and get rid of that worn out and thick ass wallet that you have in your pocket. Keep your wallets light and only carry the essentials in your wallet and if you carry only cards then just but a clip wallet which is super sexy and easily manageable.

Optional yet bad-ass accessories:


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I would suggest you stick to some bead or leather bracelets that don’t burn a hole in your pocket and are also classics that go with both formal and street looks. Bracelets make you look like that bad boy you dream of being so why don’t you go and be one.


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I would suggest the same as what I said for bracelets, there are currently no exquisite brands that you can go for that sells premium looking men’s accessories but you can keep it simple with a black, gold or rose gold chains. You don’t need diamonds or gold around your neck to make you look fly, it can just be a simple chain and a pendant that looks good. Also please don’t be that douche who keeps his chain hanging outside the shirt/T-shirt because that’s just cringe!

Tie bars, cufflinks & lapel pins:

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These are super sexy accessories that can add a lot of character to your outfit. It may be a small addition to your look but it says a lot about you and your outfit. Tie bars are just an essential when you wear a tie as it makes you look really clean. Lapel pins and cufflinks are optional and you can rock them if you want to.

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Additional tip for you guys is not to overdo it. What I mean by that is that don’t wear every piece of accessory you own every day, mix and match your accessories and play around with them and don’t be a try hard.